28.09.08, ZAMOSC
Sunday, 28 September held celebration of World Heart Day on Great Market of Zamosc by crowd of Zamosc citizens. The subject of event was heart diseases prophylaxis.
Cardiologists hosting expert panels on stage were talking about what serves the heart and how to take care of it. The event was organized by Lubelski division of Polish CardiacSociety. Healthy lifestyle was also advised by artists: Majka Jeżowska and Witold Paszt. The picnic has also been flourished by live events, performed by Majka Jeżowska, Vox, Winchester 2005 country band, Smile Center, Lublin’s Musical Theatre and TAI CHI CHUAN SCHOOL. Moreover, a Resonans choir concert has been conducted in the cathedral. Children’s attractions were also abundant. Kids could witness fights of Zamojski Knights’ Brotherhood, salves of historical cannons and take part in games prepared by Zamosc boy scouts’ division. This year’s celebration of „World Heart day” has been topped by day’s star – BAJM.
Huge attention was put to health path which consisted of medical stands, allowing visitors to perform examinations free of charge: blood pressure assessment, cholesterol level, dietary advice, cardiovascular risk calculation. During the picnic 650 people were evaluated versus score heart risk chart and 500 persons had their blood glucose level measured.
Queues were formed from 9am. A the peak moment Zamosc market hosted 6-7 thousand people. During the whole day picnic has been visited by more than ten thousand people.
Infarcts and other heart diseases are the most frequent reason for deaths in modern world. Annually 17,5 million people die as a result of the latter. By restricting the risk factors such as: diet, low physical activity, smoking, we can prevent heart diseases and have influence on its ageing.
The World Heart Day is one of ways of educating people in healthy life habits and heart protection. It is celebrated in 100 countries worldwide.
Media patronage
The agency has acquired following patrons for cooperation:
TVP2, Rzeczpospolita, Bez Recepty, Dbam o zdrowie, Dziennik Wschodni, Gazeta Farmaceutyczna, Imperium TV, Poradnik domowy, Praktyka Lekarska, Przekrój, Samo Zdrowie, TVP Lublin, The Warsaw Voice, Wirtualna Polska, Żyj zdrowo i aktywnie.